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General Donations

Capital Campaign

Memorial Donations

Honor Donations

Parish Visit Collection

Lawn Party Sponsorship

Lawn Party Raffle

Mega Raffle

We Need Your Help!

“How in the world do you survive?” people often ask us. Trust is the simple, yet radical answer. We trust in God’s Providence and the goodness of others to help us provide for the Residents’ needs. This might seem like a dangerously naïve answer in today’s complex healthcare environment, but trust has sustained generations of Little Sisters and those we serve for more than 100 years in Mobile.

Reimbursements from Medicaid and the small pensions of the Residents cover less than 40 percent of the actual cost of care. The remaining 60 percent of the needed income is generated through fundraising, including direct mail, church collections, legacies, grants, our annual Lawn Party, and other fundraising events. The Little Sisters also make personal visits to businesses, farms, and individuals to beg for needed items.

With your support, we can serve the needy elderly. There are many ways you can help! Please review the list below. Feel free to call (251) 476-6335 or email us at if you have questions or would like to talk about a specific donation.

Ways to donate:


Online Donation

Click here to make a donation by credit card, debit card or electronic check through our secure donation form.

Gifts in kind

Businesses and individuals donate requested items such as food, personal care items and office supplies.

Stock and bond transfers

We can accept gifts of stocks and bonds. Please contact us for the necessary information.

General donation

We depend on your regular, unrestricted gifts to cover daily operating expenses. Gifts can be “one time” or arrangements made for monthly, quarterly, or annual donation by cash, check, electronic check, debit card or credit card. We can send you a calendar of donation envelopes or automatically process your recurring donation.

Tribute gifts

A gift in memory or in honor of a person is a meaningful way to commemorate the loss of a loved one or recognize a special occasion while supporting the mission of the Little Sisters. At your request, a beautiful card can be sent to the family member or person that you specify.

Planned Giving

Bequests are a very significant source of funds for our work. Your foresight and generosity support our continuing ministry to the elderly poor. Examples include naming the Little Sisters of the Poor of Mobile in your will, a living trust or a charitable remainder trust, or as an IRA, life insurance or retirement plan beneficiary. Contact us to discuss ways to structure your gift or if you desire to confidentially notify us of your plans. If you are considering an endowment to the Little Sisters, please call us for more information.

Workplace giving

Does your company have a matching gift program for employees or retirees? If so, this is an excellent way to increase your gift to the Little Sisters’ ministry. Our Development Office can help you complete the required paperwork, usually in just a few minutes.

Foundation and Corporate Gifts

Grants help provide for capital needs and special projects in our Home. Contact our Development Office to suggest organizations that might support our ministry.

Donations to the Little Sisters of the Poor Sacred Heart Residence are tax-deductible to the full extent allowed by law. We are a 501(c)(3) non-profit charitable organization.

Our corporate name for Sacred Heart Residence in Mobile is Little Sisters of the Poor Home for the Aged, Inc. Our federal tax ID # is 63-0397973.

Our mailing address is: Sacred Heart Residence, 1655 McGill Avenue, Mobile, AL 36604.

For more information on how you can support the Little Sisters of the Poor Sacred Heart Residence, contact David Hyland, Development Director, at (251) 476-6335 or email

“Our benefactors: where would we be without them?”

St. Jeanne Jugan, Foundress of the Little Sisters of the Poor

Donor Privacy Policy

Current financial statements available upon request